
Hello blog... I'm back! However, this is not an outfit post. This is a cooking post. I was flipping through some Food and Wine magazines when I found this delicious looking recipe card and decided that I HAD to make it. It's strawberry season (although they aren't very sweet lately- maybe it's the weird weather?) so I couldn't think of anything better to make.

This is probably the most successful baking experience I've had to date. Makes me wonder why I ever took such a long break from baking and cooking.

The inspiration (isn't it convenient that my nails happen to match the strawberries perfectly?)

Step 1: Make shortbread

Step 2: Make lemon curd filling

ok, this is completely unrelated... but I made this margherita pizza for dinner

Step 3: Assemble strawberry shortcake

Et voila!


willi float said...

ooooooh my god. that looks so fucking goooooood

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